Internship Program
Are you a researcher enthusiastic about blockchain technologies? Then, we are looking for you!
We encourage talented PhD students to visit us for a few months and work with us on cutting-edge research problems. We have the possibility to provide travel, accommodation, and salary support. If you are interested, please contact us by email.
Name | Period | Affiliation |
Samuele Casarin | 2025-03–2025-08 | Ph.D. student at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia |
Andrea Pelosi | 2024-02–2024-07, 2024-10‒2025-02 | Ph.D. student at University of Pisa |
Lorenzo Benetollo | 2023-11–2024-04, 2024-08–2024-12 | Ph.D. Student at Cà Foscari |
Muhammad Talha Paracha | 2023-09–2023-11 | Ph.D. Student at Northeastern University
Followup position: Postdoc at Ruhr University Bochum |
Valentino Dalla Valle | 2023-04–2023-07 | Master student at Cà Foscari |
Mahsa Bastankah | 2023-04–2023-07 | Student at Sharif University of Technolgy, Tehran |
Léo Louistisserand | 2022-10–2023-06 | Student at École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay
Followup position: Laboratoire lorrain de recherche en informatique et ses applications, Nancy (LORIA) |
Pablo Gordillo Alguacil | 2022-09–2022-11 | Postdoc at Complutense University of Madrid |
Amogh Pradeep | 2022-02–2022-07 | Ph.D. Student at Northeastern University |
Jeppe Blaabjerg | 2022-01–2022-04 | Ph.D. Student at Aarhus University |
Pedro Miguel Sousa Bernardo | 2022-03–2022-04 | Ph.D. Student at Universidade de Lisboa |
Oguzhan Ersoy | 2019-10–2019-12 | Ph.D. Student at TU Delft |
Duc V. Le | 2019-05–2019-07 | Ph.D. Student at Purdue University |
Sergei Tikhomirov | 2019-05–2019-07 | Ph.D. Student at University of Luxembourg |
Christoph Egger | 2018-10–2018-12 | Ph.D. Student at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Pedro Moreno-Sánchez | 2017-12–2018-04 | Ph.D. Student at Purdue University |